Van Cleef & Arpels. Искусство броши | Fashion Federation

Van Cleef & Arpels. Искусство броши. ГУМ

Искусство броши. Van Cleef and Arpels. ГУМ

Дом Высокого Ювелирного искусства Van Cleef & Arpels с 3 по 30 сентября приглашает Вас в ГУМ на выставку «Art of Clip» (Искусство Броши), повествующую об истории одного из самых загадочных ювелирных украшений – броши.

Место проведения: ГУМ, 1-я и 2-я линии.

Retail card of a Hummingbird brooch, 1925 / Hummingbird brooch, 1925, platinum, diamonds

Retail card of a Hummingbird brooch, 1925 / Hummingbird brooch, 1925, platinum, diamonds
Floating Ribbon brooch, 1937, platinum, diamonds, in the former collection of Countess de Beaurepaire
Floating Ribbon brooch, 1937, platinum, diamonds, in the former collection of Countess de Beaurepaire
Lace bow clip, 1945, platinum, gold, diamonds
Lace bow clip, 1945, platinum, gold, diamonds
Ballerina clip, 1943, platinum, rubies, emeralds, diamonds / Fairy clip, 1948, platinum, emeralds, rubies, diamonds
Ballerina clip, 1943, platinum, rubies, emeralds, diamonds / Fairy clip, 1948, platinum, emeralds, rubies, diamonds
 Giraffe clip, 1964, platinum, gold, enamel, diamonds / Tiger clip, 1968, gold, emeralds, enamel, diamonds
Giraffe clip, 1964, platinum, gold, enamel, diamonds / Tiger clip, 1968, gold, emeralds, enamel, diamonds
 Five leaves clip, 1967, platinum, rubies, diamonds, in the former collection of opera singer Maria Callas
Five leaves clip, 1967, platinum, rubies, diamonds, in the former collection of opera singer Maria Callas

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Фотографии взяты: Искусство Броши, Van Cleef & Arpels

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